Divorce Real Estate, Karma & The Kids

In the last 20 years, I have served our community and courts as a Divorce Real Estate Expert. I have been appointed in hundreds of cases. I get to see the good, the bad and the ugly on a daily basis. My promise to my clients is always the same, to serve as a sound board while remaining a neutral party. In other words I’m the house referee. My goal is to help salvage every penny possible out of the family estate so the parties can concentrate on rebuilding. Because life after divorce can be absolutely beautiful. I can honestly say that at the end of the day what it comes down to is pretty simple….A good marriage takes work and so does so a good divorce. That’s right theres a right and a wrong way to do it. And in my line of work, I get to see both daily. At face value it usually boils down to real property, items and the kids. And although it’s easier said than done what I have learned by helping hundreds of families sell the community property is that (without the sake of sounding cold, because I’m coming from love) a divorce is nothing more than a business relationship gone bad. Well that’s at least what you may have to tell your self to successfully navigate the transaction without causing more collateral damage to yourself, your pocket book and those around you that love you but may not have a voice (like the kids and the pets). I have seen couples fight over the family fridge, the family dog, 401k’s and retirements. The most successful couples I have helped seem to be the ones where one of the individuals realizes theres no price for their mental clarity, internal peace and a good night’s sleep. I’m sure they had their share of sleepless nights before getting to this place nut there comes a moment of surrender where that individual is truly at peace with the present moment, realizes that their freedom, happiness and ultimately internal stillness is more valuable than anything else. Now that doesn’t mean these individuals give up, it simply means that they have accepted that divorce is simply an opportunity to fall apart and come back together the way you always intended to be.

I have always believed in God, good Karma and just trying t be the best version of yourself possible. Divorce tests all these things in even the best of us. To be clear you are not broken, like Pink says just bent. The beauty of your story is yet to be written. Heck I don’t mean a new chapter, let’s write.a whole new book. It’s okay to brung your favorite characters over or jus start from scratch. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and you evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does. Surrender to the present moment doesn’t mean your a doormat, it means taking the exact and perfect amount of energy and doing whatever the present moment requires from a place of peace and serenity. Now that is where the power really lies.


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